This is a phase 2 study to determine 2-HOBA's tolerability, safety, and effect on isoLG-adducts in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Up to 32 subjects will be randomized to 750mg 2-HOBA or matching placebo three times a day for 4 weeks. As primary outcome measures investigators will compare tolerability and adverse events and changes in isoLG adducts in active and placebo arms. Among prespecified exploratory outcomes investigators will compare changes in markers of inflammation, DAS28 score, and 24-hour blood pressure in active and placebo arms. This pilot study will inform the feasibility and design of future studies to examine the efficacy of 2-HOBA in...
A multi-center, prospective, randomized, controlled comparison of the prodisc C SK and prodisc C Vivo to the control, a similar, legally marketed total disc replacement device in subjects with symptomatic cervical disc disease (SCDD).
This is a single center, prospective, non-randomized reproducibility study of the NSite device in patients undergoing evaluation for scoliosis. The NSite device is a pre-market, investigational device. The study will enroll 13 eligible patients, who will be scanned using the NSite device by 3 separate users in order to assess if the device generates similar results across users. This data will be used to support 510(k) submission.
This project intends to explore and validate the utility of new MRI pulse sequence, 3D DL oZTEo, in the detection of osseous erosions of the hand in patients with inflammatory arthritis. The detection of osseous structural changes, such as erosive disease, is routinely assessed in patients with rheumatic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, as it alters clinical management, and in some cases assists in diagnosis. Currently, this is most often assessed with radiography and conventional MRI.
In this study, researchers will learn more about a study drug called litifilimab (BIIB059) in participants with cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE). The study will focus on participants who have either active subacute CLE or chronic CLE, or both. They may also have systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The participants did not respond to antimalarial therapy or had problems with the treatment that made it hard to continue. The main objective of the study is to learn about the effect litifilimab has on lowering the activity of the skin disease. Researchers will measure symptoms of CLE over time using a variety of scoring tools. These include the Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus...
This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of subcutaneous (SC) anifrolumab versus placebo in adult participants with cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE).
To compile real-world outcomes of the Superion™ IDS in routine clinical practice.
AB-101 (also known as AlloNK) is an off-the shelf, allogeneic cell product made of "natural killer" cells, also called NK cells. White blood cells are part of the immune system and NK cells are a type of white blood cell that is known to enhance the effect of monoclonal antibody therapies. This clinical trial will enroll adult patients with lupus nephritis Class III or IV either with or without the presence of Class V who relapsed or did not respond to previous standard of care treatment approaches, or other forms of refractory systemic lupus erythematosus. The primary objective is to assess the safety, tolerability and preliminary activity of AB-101 plus a B-cell depleting...
This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial will seek to determine the efficacy of abatacept in GCA. To examine this objective, 62 eligible patients who have newly diagnosed or relapsing GCA within 8 weeks prior to screening will be randomized at a 1:1 ratio to receive subcutaneous abatacept 125mg/week or placebo. Patients who achieve remission will remain on their blinded assignment for 12 months at which time abatacept/placebo will be stopped. Patients who do not achieve remission by Month 3, who experience a relapse within the first 12 months will have the option of receiving open-label abatacept for a maximum of 12 months.
The most clinically meaningful way to discover new targets of T cells in autoimmune diseases is to study the tissues of patients with active autoimmune disease mediated organ inflammation. These tissues contain both cytotoxic and helper T cells that are driving their disease, and these T cells are being guided by TCRs that recognize tissue-specific targets. By collecting tissue when a patient has active inflammation, it is possible to determine which T cells are activated and undergoing clonal expansion in the patient's diseased organ. TScan has developed a genome-wide, high-throughput technology to determine the natural, physiological target of any TCR (Kula, 2019). The goal of...